Hipi Dolina, ženska majica

Okupljeni oko ideala mira i ljubavi, ali i političkih i ličnih revolucija, hipici su obeležili sedamdesete godine XX veka.


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Da je Niš oduvek bio deo sveta, svedoči i prisustvo “Hipi pokreta“ koji je bio aktivan tokom sedamdesetih godina. Okupljeni oko ideala mira i ljubavi, ali i političkih i ličnih revolucija, hipici su obeležili sedamdesete godine XX veka.

Mesto okupljanja niškog hipi pokreta bila je današnja Ulica generala Tranijea koju i sada svi znaju kao “Hipi dolinu“. Tamo su se rađala drugarstva, ljubavi i bujala buntovna energija mladosti.

Danas je ova ulica sinonim za nostalgiju. Ulica je bila nastavak niškog korzoa, a mnogi i dan danas pamte svoje mesto u ovoj gradskoj oazi.

The fact that Niš has always been a part of the world, is testified by the presence of “the Hippy Movement” that was active during the 70s.
Gathered around the ideal, not only of peace and love, but also of political and personal revolutions, the hippies marked the 70s of the twentieth century.

The gathering place of Niš’s hippy movement was today’s Generala Tranijea St., known as “the Hippy Valley”, by everyone even now.

Today, this street is a synonym for nostalgia. The street was a part of Niš’s promenade, and the locals still gladly remember their spot in this city oasis.


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